Descusión Wikipedia:Tabierna/Aduya
Necesito información para un reportaje sobre el uso del aragonés en la web. ¿Con quién puedo hablar?
- Puets charrar con qualsiquiera d'os administradors (Wikipedia:Administradors), encara que Chuan Pablo ye coautor d'iste treballo, que charra sobre o tema d'a tuya consulta. Si quiers fer-lo privadament, á cucha d'a pachina de cada usuario tiens un enlace ta Ninviar un correu electronico ta iste usuario, si quiers fer-lo publicament nomás cal preguntar, astí u en as nuestras pachinas d'usuario. --Manuel Trujillo Berges 10:55 28 chun 2010 (UTC)
- Igual tamién si te presentases una mica más te podríanos enfilar millor. Ye un meyo d'Aragón? de Catalunya? Qué ye lo que se va a fer en ixe reportache? Qué mena d'información amenistas? ... Salut! --Willtron (?) 10:59 28 chun 2010 (UTC)
Growth team is looking for your feedback and ideas
Have you heard about Growth team?
The Growth Team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects. We will be starting with Wikipedias, but we hope these changes will benefit every community.
We are contacting your project today, because you may be interested by what we work on.
8 ideas we consider: tell us what you think about them!
We are considering new features to build, that could retain new editors in mid-size Wikipedias. We will be testing new ideas in Czech and Korean Wikipedias, and then we'll talk to more communities (yours!) about adopting the ideas that work well.
We have posted the 8 ideas we are considering. We would really appreciate your thoughts and the thoughts from your community. Please share the ideas, and tell us what do you and your community think of those ideas before September 9.
Share your experiences with newcomers
We want to hear about what is working and what is not working for new contributors in your wiki. We also want to hear any reactions, questions, or opinions on our work. Please post on the team’s talk page, in any language!
Learn more about us
You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project page for detailed updates on the first project we'll work on.
Get updates on your project page
The Growth team's newsletter will provide updates regularly. You can subscribe to it.
On behalf of the Growth team, Trizek (WMF) (talk) 17:41 27 ago 2018 (UTC)