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[[Imachen:SLIIT MLB 1.jpg|thumb|250px|Instituto d'as tecnolochíatecnolochías d'a información de [[Sri Lanka]] en [[Malabo]]]]
As '''tecnolochías d'a información''' (asobén tamién abreviau como '''IT''') son l'aplicación d'[[ordinador]]s y d'equipamientos de telecomunicacions ta almadazenar, recuperar, transmitir y manipular información,<ref name="DOP">{{en}} [http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t83.e1592 A Dictionary of Physics]. Daintith, Oxford University Press, 2009</ref> sovint en un context d'un negoci o qualsevol empresa.<ref>{{en}} [http://foldoc.org/information+technology Free on-line dictionary of computing] (FOLDOC)</ref> O termin s'emplega asobén como sinonimo ta ordinadors y retes de computadors, pero tamién engloba atras distribucions de tecnolochía como a televisión y os telefonos. Quantas [[industria informatica|industries]] s'asocian con tecnolochía d'a información, como hardware d'ordinadors, [[software]], electronica, [[semiconductor]]s, [[Internet]], equipamiento de telecomunicacions, [[comercio electronico]] y servicios d'ordinadors.<ref name="DMC">{{en}} [http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t326.e1343 Information technology. A Dictionary of Media and Communication]. Daniel Chandler, Rod Munday, Oxford University Press</ref><ref name="Ralston2000">On the later more broad application of the term IT, Keary comments- "In its original application 'information technology' was appropriate to describe the convergence of technologies with application in the broad field of data storage, retrieval, processing, and dissemination. This useful conceptual term has since been converted to what purports to be concrete use, but without the reinforcement of definition...the term IT lacks substance when applied to the name of any function, discipline, or position." {{cite book|author=Anthony Ralston|title=Encyclopedia of computer science|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=yQ9LAQAAIAAJ|accessdate=12 May 2013|year=2000|publisher=Nature Pub. Group|isbn=978-1-56159-248-7}}.</ref>