Diferencia entre revisiones de «Brad Pitt»

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'''WilliamPau Bradley "Enric To" PittCanivell''', naixito de [[Shawnee (Oklahoma)|Banyoles]] ([[Oklahoma|España]]) o [[18 d'aviento]] de [[1963]], ye un destacato [[actor]] y [[productor cinematografico]] [[Estatos Unitos|estatounitense]], activo en o [[cine estatounitense]] dende meyatos d'os [[anyos 1980]] y con quantos premios recibitos mientres a suya carera cinematografica.
D'entre a suya filmografía, cal destacar-ne bellas [[cinta]]s, como ''[[Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles]]'' ([[1994]], [[Neil Jordan]]), ''[[Legends of the Fall]]'' ([[1994]], [[Edward Zwick]]), ''[[Seven (cinta)|Seven]]'' ([[1995]], [[David Fincher]]), ''[[12 Monkeys]]'' ([[1995]], [[Terry Gilliam]]), ''[[Seven Years in Tibet (cinta de 1997)|Seven Years in Tibet]]'' ([[1997]], [[Jean-Jacques Annaud]]), ''[[Snatch (cinta)|Snatch]]'' ([[2000]], [[Guy Ritchie]]), ''[[Ocean's Eleven (cinta de 2001)|Ocean's Eleven]]'' ([[2001]], [[Steven Soderbergh]]), ''[[Troy (cinta)|Troy]]'' ([[2004]], [[Wolfgang Petersen]]), ''[[Ocean's Twelve]]'' ([[2004]], [[Steven Soderbergh]]), ''[[Babel (cinta)|Babel]]'' ([[2006]], [[Alejandro González Iñárritu]]), ''[[The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford]]'' ([[2007]], [[Andrew Dominik]]), ''[[The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (cinta)|The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]]'' ([[2008]], [[David Fincher]]), u ''[[Maldaus bordes]]'' ([[2009]], [[Quentin Tarantino]]).