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Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd.
{{Articlo 1000|+10}}
Head office 10-1, Iwamotocho 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8585, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3864-3111
| nombre_oficial = Bundesrepublik Deutschland
President Nobuhiro Iijima
| nombre_común = Alemanya
Established June 21, 1948
| de = d'
Paid-in capital ¥11,014,143,000
| imachen_bandera = Flag of Germany.svg
Net sales ¥1,041.9 billion (consolidated),
| imachen_escudo = Coat of Arms of Germany.svg
¥735.1 billion (non-consolidated)
| imachen_escudo_grandaria = 60px
Number of employees 18,628
| simbolos =
Number of stores 109,293
| imachen_mapa = Location Germany EU Europe.png
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread, sweet buns, Japanese- and Western-style confectionery, processed bread and prepared rice and side dishes; sale of other products procured from other companies. Operation of the Instore Baking and the Convenience Store business.
| lema_nacional = ''Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit'' ([[Idioma alemán|alemán]]: «Unidat y chusticia y libertat»)
Board members (As of April 10, 2017)
| himno_nacional = ''[[Das Lied der Deutschen]]''
President Nobuhiro Iijima
| capital = [[Berlín]]
Vice president Kensuke Yamada
| capital_población = 3.437.916 ([[2014]])
Senior managing director Teruhisa Yoshida
| capital_cor_fmt =
Senior managing director Mikio Iijima
| capital_cor = 52_31_N_13_24_E_ 52°31′ N 13°24′ E
Managing director Michio Yokohama
| ciudat_prencipal = [[Berlín]]
Managing director Masahisa Aida
| idiomas_oficials = [[Idioma alemán|alemán]]
Managing director Isamu Inutsuka
| gubierno = [[Republica Federal]]
Managing director Osamu Sekine
| enfiladors_titols = [[President d'Alemanya|President]] <br />[[Canciller d'Alemanya|Canciller cheneral]]
Managing director Sachihiko Iijima
| enfiladors_nombres = [[{{#property:P35}}]]<br />[[{{#property:P6}}]]
Managing director Tadashi Fukasawa
| establimiento=
Managing director Makoto Sonoda
| establimiento_fitas = [[Unificación d'Alemanya|Unificación]]<br />Republica Federal<br />[[Reunificación d'Alemanya|Reunificación]]
Director Yoshikazu Shoji
| establimiento_calendatas = [[18 de chinero]] de [[1871]]<br />[[23 de mayo]] de [[1949]]<br />[[3 d'octubre]] de [[1990]]
Director Ryoichi Yoshidaya
| superficie = 357.340,08
Director Keiko Hatae
| superficie_posición = 62
Standing statutory auditor Kazuhiro Ohmoto
| superficie_augua = 2,416%
Standing statutory auditor Michihiro Matsuda
| mugas = 3.621 [[kilometro|km]]
Standing statutory auditor Teruo Matsumaru
| costas = 2.389 km
Auditor Nobumichi Murakami
| población = 80.767.000
Auditor Masao Saito
| población_posición = 14
| población_densidat = 226
| PIB = 3.259.212 mil (est)
| PIB_anyada = 2007
| PIB_posición = 3
| PIB_per_capita = US$ 39.650(2007)
| moneda = [[Euro]]
| chentilicio = Alemán/a
| horario = [[Tiempo Coordinato Universal|UTC]]+1
| horario_estiu = [[Tiempo Coordinato Universal|UTC]]+2
| cctld = [[.de]]
| codigo_telefonico = 49
| prefixo_radiofonico = DAA-DRZ, Y2A-Y9Z
| codigo_ISO = 276 / DEU / DE
| miembro_de = [[Unión Europea|UE]], [[ONU]], [[OTAN]], [[CBSS]], [[OSCE]], [[OCDE]], [[G-8]]
| notas = Tamién son oficialment reconoixitos y protechitos como lenguaches minoritarios o [[idioma danés|danés]], o [[baixo alemán]], o [[idioma sorabo|sorabo]], o [[romaní]] y lo [[idioma frisón|frisón]].
A '''Republica Federal d'Alemanya''' ('''Bundesrepublik Deutschland''' {{IPA|[ˈbʊndəsʁepʊˌbliːk ˈdɔʏ̯tʃland]}} en [[Idioma alemán|alemán]]) ye un [[estato]] d'[[Europa Central]]. A Republica Federal muga a lo norte con [[Dinamarca]], a [[mar d'o Norte]] y a [[mar Baltica]]; a l'este con [[Polonia]] y la [[Republica Checa]]; a lo sud con [[Austria]] y [[Suiza]]; y a l'ueste con [[Francia]], [[Luxemburgo]], [[Belchica]] y los [[Países Baixos]].
Alemanya s'estendilla dende as alteras montanyas d'os [[Alpes]] (a tuca más elevata ye o [[Zugspitze]] con 2.962 [[Metro|m]] d'[[altaria]]) en o sud, dica as costas d'a [[mar d'o Norte]] y d'a [[mar Baltica]]. Por meyo, s'estendillan as tierras alteras, bosquizas, d'Alemanya central y as tierras baixas d'Alemanya d'o norte (o punto más baixo ye Neuendorfer/Wilstermarsch, con -3,54 m), travesatas per beluns d'os mayors [[río]]s d'[[Europa]], como o [[río Elba]], o [[Rin]], y lo [[Danubio]].
Yamazaki Baking Company's Creation Center
A suya [[Población humana|población]] ye de 80.767.000 habitants, en una [[superficie]] de 357.340,08 [[km²]] y una [[densidat de población]] de 226 hab/[[km²]] ([[2013]]).
A new hub for advanced food
technologies and cultivation of culture
On December 1, 2016, the new Yamazaki Baking Company's Creation Center was opened in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture – the place where Yamazaki was founded – as an advanced base of Yamazaki in the 21st century. It is a complex facility consisting of Central Laboratory, Training Institute, Tojuro Iijima Memorial LLC Hall, and a lodging facility.
Mientres a mas gran parti d'a suya historia, Alemanya estió un termin cheografico emplegato ta designar un aria ocupata por diversos estatos. Se convirtió en un estato unito en un periodo de 74 anyadas ([[1871]]-[[1945]]), pero dimpués d'a Segunda Guerra Mundial tornó a dividir-se en a [[Alemanya Occidental|Republica Federal d'Alemanya]] (RFA —BRD—, conoixita como ''Alemanya Occidental'') y a [[Republica Democratica Alemana]] (RDA —DDR—, conoixita como ''Alemanya Oriental''). O [[3 d'octubre]] de [[1990]], a RDA y a RFA se reunificoron, asinas que Alemanya tornó a estar una nación unita. [[Berlín]] ye a suya [[Capital (politica)|capital]] (dende a reunificación d'Alemanya) y a ciudat más important d'o país. Tamién tienen más d'un millón d'habitants as ciudatz d'[[Hamburgo]] y [[Munich]].
We will pursue new technologies at this research center equipped with the latest facilities as well as nurture talents who would carry the future of Yamazaki Group by training them with the Yamazaki’s spirit and its management method in the 21st century.
Politicament, l'actual Alemanya ye una [[republica]] [[Federalismo|federal]] [[Parlamentarismo|parlamentaria]], estando l'actual [[Lista de Cancellers d'Alemanya|canceller]] [[Angela Merkel]], y l'actual [[Lista de presidents d'Alemanya|president]] [[Christian Wulff]].
A Republica Federal d'Alemanya en l'actualidat ye una potencia economica, miembro d'as [[Nacions Unitas]], a [[OTAN]], y d'o [[G-8]]. Alemanya ye a tercera economia mas gran en termins de [[producto interior bruto]] nominal, y o esportador mas gran y o segundo importador mas gran de biens. A suya [[moneda]] nacional ye l'[[euro]], que sustituyó a o [[marco alemán]].
== Toponimia ==
Debito a la localización cheografica d'Alemanya en o centro d'[[Europa]] y a suya historia como rechión no unificata y habitata por destintas tribus y mas tardi por quantos chicotz estatos, o nombre d'Alemanya ha pasato a las destintas luengas d'una u atra forma. En cheneral son tres as formas ta o nombre d'o Estato en as destintas luengas d'o mundo:
* De l'[[alto alemán antigo]] ''diutisc''. D'aquí se deriva lo nombre en [[Idioma alemán|alemán]] moderno, ''Deutschland''.
* D'o [[latín]] ''Germania''. D'o que se deriva, por eixemplo, lo nombre en [[Idioma anglés|anglés]], ''Germany''.
* D'o nombre d'a tribu d'os [[alamans]]. D'aquí se deriva o toponimo [[idioma aragonés|aragonés]], ''Alemanya''.
O nombre d'a tribu d'os alamans proviene d'o protochermanico ''Alamanniz'' que puet tener dos significatos d'a derivación d'o prefixo ''Al-''. Si ''Al-'' significa "totz", allora o nombre significa "totz os hombres", una alusión a lo feito de que a tribu yera una confederación de quantos grupos. Si ''Al-'', d'atra man, proviene d'o latín ''alius'', "atros" u "os atros", allora o nombre significa "foranos" u "hombres estranchers".
Yamazaki Group
== Cheografía ==
{{Articlo principal|Cheografía d'Alemanya}}
[[Imachen:Hintersee.jpg|210px|thumbnail|Os [[Alpes baverans]].]]
Alemanya ye o sieteno país mas gran en superficie d'Europa, y o quatreno d'a [[Unión Europea]]. O territorio d'Alemanya tien una [[superficie]] total de 357.021&nbsp;[[km²]], d'os qualos 349.223&nbsp;km² son superficie terrestre y 7.798 son [[laco]]s, [[río]]s y atras masas d'augua; i destacan o [[Laco de Constanza]] y o [[Laco Müritz|Müritz]]. O punto mas alto se troba en os [[Alpes]], o [[Zugspitze]], de 2.962 m. O territorio ye trescruzato por beluns d'os ríos mas grans d'Europa como lo [[río Rin|Rin]], o [[Danubio]] y l'[[río Elba|Elba]]. A mayor parti d'os ríos d'Alemanya corren enta o norueste y desembocan en a [[Mar d'o Norte]], excepto lo Danubio, que fluye enta l'este. D'atra man, o río más importat ye o Rin. Naixe a lo centro-este de [[Suiza]] y fluye enta l'ueste por meyo d'o [[Laco de Constanza]] (''Bodensee'') y dimpués enta o norte dica la Mar d'o Norte.
Debito a la suya localización, Alemanya tien mugas con mas estatos europeus que no pas atro estato d'o continent. Muga a lo norte con [[Dinamarca]], a l'este con [[Polonia]] y a [[Republica Checa]], a lo sud con [[Austria]] y [[Suiza]] y a l'ueste con [[Francia]], [[Luxemburgo]], [[Belchica]] y os [[Países Baixos]].
A mayor parti d'Alemanya tien un [[clima templato]]; i predomina l'aire humedo d'occident. O clima ye moderato gracias a la [[Corrient Noratlantica]], a sección norte d'a [[Corrient d'o Golfo]]. Ista corrient d'augua calienta la [[Mar d'o Nord]]. Por tanto, lo clima d'o norueste ye [[Clima ocianico|ocianico]]. A precipitación ye mayor mientres os veranos en ista zona; os hibiernos son mas calurosos que no pas en atras rechions alemanas y os veranos son frescos. A l'este, o clima ye más [[Clima continental|continental]]; os hibiernos pueden estar muit fredos y os veranos muit calurosos. O centro y o sud son arias de transición, variando os suyos climas de moderadament oceanico a continental.
Food Business
== Historia ==
{{Articlo principal|Historia d'Alemanya}}
Fujiya Co., Ltd.
Location Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment June 30, 1938
Paid-in capital ¥18.280 billion
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of Western-style confectionery, chocolate, candy and cookie products
Sun-Delica Co., Ltd.
Location Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment May 9, 1980
Paid-in capital ¥2.0 billion
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of processed bread and prepared rice and side dishes
Yamazaki Biscuits Co., Ltd.
Location Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment October 30, 1970
Paid-in capital ¥1.6 billion
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of biscuits, snack foods, confectionery and chocolate products
Vie de France Co., Ltd.
Location Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment July 1, 2001
Paid-in capital ¥480 million
Principal operations Retail bakery and cafe management
Tohato Inc.
Location Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment August 24, 2000
Paid-in capital ¥2.168 billion
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of biscuits and snack food products
Ikeda Bakery Co., Ltd.
Location Aira, Kagoshima, Japan
Date of establishment September 10, 1953
Paid-in capital ¥1.250 billion
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread, Japanese-and Western-style confectionery, processed bread and prepared rice and side dishes
Daitoku K.K.
Location Yamatokoriyama, Nara, Japan
Date of establishment November 20, 1975
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sales of noodles, soup, and soup stocks
VDF Sun-Royal Co., Ltd.
Location Kasukabe, Saitama, Japan
Date of establishment February 3, 1968
Paid-in capital ¥236.8 million
Principal operations In-store bakery management; manufacture and sale of frozen bread dough
Sun-Kimuraya Co., Ltd.
Location Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan
Date of establishment October 31, 1986
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread, Japanese-and Western-style confectionery, processed bread and prepared rice and side dishes
Three S Foods Co., Ltd.
Location Kuse-gun, Kyoto, Japan
Date of establishment May 10, 2002
Paid-in capital ¥480 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread
Kochi Yamazaki Co., Ltd.
Location Kochi, Kochi, Japan
Date of establishment March 24, 1964
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread, Japanese-and Western-style confectionery
Suehiro Confectionery Co., Ltd.
Location Niigata, Niigata, Japan
Date of establishment July 10, 1973
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of rice-based confectionery, processed bread and prepared rice and side dishes
Morioka Delica Co., Ltd.
Location Shiwa-gun, Iwate, Japan
Date of establishment January 12, 2006
Paid-in capital ¥300 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of processed bread,prepared rice and side dishes
Yamazaki Co., Ltd.(YAMAZAKI PLAZA ICHIKAWA Division)
Location Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan
Date of establishment July 15, 1976
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Operation of specialized bread and pastry shops and restaurants
Akita Inafuku Confectionery Co., Ltd.
Location Akita, Akita, Japan
Date of establishment August 28, 1973
Paid-in capital ¥112.2 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of rice-based confectionery
Sapporo Paris Co., Ltd.
Location Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Date of establishment June 1, 1972
Paid-in capital ¥495 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread, Japanese-and Western-style confectionery, processed bread and prepared rice and side dishes; in-store bakery management
Kanazawa German Bakery Co., Ltd.
Location Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
Date of establishment January 6, 2003
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Retail bakery management
Tokachi Obihiro Yamazaki Co.,Ltd.
Location Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan
Date of establishment March 3, 2017
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread, processed bread and prepared rice and side dishes
Equity method affiliate
Nichiryo Baking Co.,Ltd.
Location Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Date of establishment May 16, 1946
Paid-in capital ¥1.051 billion
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of bread and Confectionery
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Retail Businesses
=== Imperio Alemán (1871-1918) ===
:''Articlo prencipal: [[Imperio Alemán]]''
Super Yamazaki Co., Ltd.
Location Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment July 31, 1967
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Operation of supermarkets
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Other Businesses
L'Estato conoixito hue como Alemanya estió reunificató como estato-nación en l'anyo [[1871]], con a creación de l'[[Imperio Alemán]], o [[Reino de Prusia]] yera o miembro más gran.
Yamazaki Logistics Co., Ltd.
Location Kiyose, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment February 16, 2001
Paid-in capital ¥300 million
Principal operations General truck transport and consigned freight forwarding
Sun Logistics Co., Ltd.
Location Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan
Date of establishment February 4, 2003
Paid-in capital ¥380 million
Principal operations General truck transport and consigned freight forwarding
Yamazaki Engineering Co., Ltd.
Location Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment June 16, 1989
Paid-in capital ¥80 million
Principal operations Design of equipment for manufacturing bread and confectionery, installation of production facilities and other services
Yamazaki Clean Service Co., Ltd.
Location Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
Date of establishment June 8, 2000
Paid-in capital ¥80 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of cleaning and disinfecting agents for food production equipment
Yamazaki Co.,Ltd(Insurance Division)
Location Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment July 15, 1976
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Insurance services
Shokuhin Kyohai System Co., Ltd.
Location Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment February 20, 2007
Paid-in capital ¥10 million
Principal operations Logistics management for cooperative food delivery system
Sun-Mix Co., Ltd.
Location Chiba, Chiba, Japan
Date of establishment October 20, 1983
Paid-in capital ¥200 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of prepared mixes for bread, Japanese- and Western-style confectionery, tempura, fried chicken and frozen dough
Nichinoh Seiken Co., Ltd.
Location Soo-gun, Kagoshima, Japan
Date of establishment August 25, 1984
Paid-in capital ¥95 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of stevia-based and other sweeteners
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Principal Affiliates of Fujiya Co., Ltd.
O [[28 de chunio]] de [[1914]] un terrorista serbio de [[Bosnia-Herzegovina]] fa un atentato en [[Sarajevo]] en o que muere o prencipe hereu d'o [[Imperio Austro-hongaro]], estando o principio d'un conflicto que encomienzó a [[primera Guerra Mundial]]. l'Imperio alemán fa parti d'as [[Potencias Centrals]] que estioron derrotadas en un d'os conflictos o más sangriento d'a historia. L' 11 de noviembre bi ha un armisticio con Alemanya, a suya dureza ye citata a sobent como uns d'os factors que facioron que o nazismo s'heba estendillato por o país antís d'a [[Segunda Guerra Mundial]].
Fujiya Food Service Co., Ltd.
Location Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment March 1, 1978
Paid-in capital ¥100 million
Principal operations Restaurant management
Dalloyau Japon S.A.
Location Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment October 1, 1989
Paid-in capital ¥50 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of French-style confectionery, side dishes and bread
Fujiya Tohoku Co., Ltd.
Location Yamagata, Yamagata, Japan
Date of establishment April 5, 1972
Paid-in capital ¥60 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of cakes, desserts and other Westernstyle confectionery
Sweet Garden Co., Ltd.
Location Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Date of establishment July 1, 2003
Paid-in capital ¥50 million
Principal operations Sales and wholesale of Japanese and Western-style confectioneries, frozen confectionery and bread
Fujiya Sanyo Co., Ltd.
Location Date, Fukushima, Japan
Date of establishment June 20, 1974
Paid-in capital ¥30 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of canned beverages and canned fruits
Fujiya Milk Product Co., Ltd.
Location Ichinoseki, Iwate, Japan
Date of establishment August 10, 1962
Paid-in capital ¥64.3 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of dairy products and milk beverages
Fujiya (Hangzhou) Food Co., Ltd.
Location Zhejiang Province, China
Date of establishment February 5, 2004
Paid-in capital US$5.28 million
Principal operations Manufacture and sale of candies and imports Fujiya products for sale locally
Fujiya System Center Co., Ltd.
Location Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment December 20, 1973
Paid-in capital ¥40 million
Principal operations Outsourced businesses including administrative services
Equity method affiliate
B-R31 Ice Cream Co., Ltd.
Location Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment December 19, 1973
Paid-in capital ¥735.28 million
Principal operations Manufacture, import and sale of ice cream and ice creamrelated products, development of ice cream chain stores and of related product supplies and provision of corresponding advisory services
Equity method affiliate
Nihon Syokuzai K.K.
Location Kumagaya, Saitama, Japan
Date of establishment October 31, 1959
Paid-in capital ¥30.45 million
Principal operations OEM-based manufacture of confectionery and operation of economy hotels
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Overseas Food Businesses
=== A Republica de Weimar ===
{{Articlo principal|Republica de Weimar}}
Vie de France Yamazaki, Inc.
[[Imachen:Paul von Hindenburg.jpeg|right|thumb|250px|[[Paul von Hindenburg]], o zaguer [[Lista de presidents d'Alemanya|president]] mientres a [[Republica de Weimar]].]]
Address 2070 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 500, Vienna, VA 22182-2536, U.S.A.
Dimpués d'a redota d'o [[Imperio alemán]] en a [[Primera Guerra Mundial]] se reunió en a ciudat de [[Weimar]] l'[[Asambleya Nacional de Weimar]], ta elaborar una nueva [[Constitución]] t'Alemanya, a dita ''[[Constitución de Weimar]]'', que fue aprebata o [[31 de chulio]] de [[1919]] y dentró en vigor o l'[[11 d'agosto]] d'ixa mesma anyada dimpués d'estar sinyata por o [[Lista de presidents d'Alemanya|primer president]], [[Friedrich Ebert]]. Se conoix a o rechimen politico que establió ista Constitución con o nombre d'a ciudat a on se i reunió l'Asambleya, ye decir, [[Republica de Weimar]].
Date of establishment April 22, 1991
Paid-in capital US$5.0 million
Directly operated stores 5
Plants 5
Address 1688 North Wayneport Road, Macedon, New York 14502-8765, U.S.A.
Date of establishment July 1, 2016
Paid-in capital US$0.1
Directly operated stores -
Plants 1
Tom Cat Bakery,Inc.
Address 43-05 10th Street, Long Island City, New York 11101-6829, U.S.A.
Date of establishment July 1, 2016
Paid-in capital US$1
Directly operated stores -
Plants 1
Yamazaki California Inc.
Address 335 E 2nd Street Suite 223, Los Angeles, CA 90012-4215, U.S.A.
Date of establishment February 28,1990
Paid-in capital US$150,000
Directly operated stores 1
Plants -
Yamazaki France S.A.S.
Address 6 Chausée de la Muette 75016 Paris,France
Date of establishment June 23, 1988
Paid-in capital Euro410,000
Directly operated stores 1
Plants -
Hong Kong Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd.
Address Room1618, 16/F,Landmark North,Sheung Shui,N.T., Hong Kong
Date of establishment May 8, 1981
Paid-in capital HK$45.5million
Directly operated stores 59
Plants 1
Thai Yamazaki Co., Ltd.
Address 1126/2 Vanit Building2, #1503, 1504, New Petchburi Road, Makkasan, Rajchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Date of establishment July 26, 1984
Paid-in capital B64.0 million
Directly operated stores 93
Plants 2
Taiwan Yamazaki Co., Ltd.
Address 5F-1, No.148, Song Jiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
Date of establishment April 20, 1987
Paid-in capital NT$40.0 million
Directly operated stores 46
Plants 1
Sunmoulin Yamazaki Sdn. Bhd.
Address Level 18, Tower 3Petronas, Kuala Lumpur City Centre ,50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date of establishment March 12, 1998
Paid-in capital M$2,450,000
Directly operated stores 3
Plants -
Shanghai Yamazaki Baking Co.,Ltd.
Address Room316, Shanghai Airport City Terminal Building 1600 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai, China
Date of establishment March 3, 2004
Paid-in capital US$1840,000
Directly operated stores 17
Plants -
Shanghai Yamazaki Foods Co.,Ltd.
Address 556 Jinbai Road,Jinshan Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China
Date of establishment September 19, 2012
Paid-in capital US$8,000,000
Directly operated stores -
Plants 1
Four Leaves Pte.Ltd.
Address 37 Chin Bee Crescent,Singapore 619903
Date of establishment January 17,2006
Paid-in capital S$1.25 million
Directly operated stores 38
Plants 1
Pt Yamazaki Indonesia
Address Kawasan Industri Greenland Batavia Blok BA No.1 , Sukamahi Cikarang Pusat ,Bekasi 17530,Indonesia
Date of establishment February 6, 2012
Paid-in capital Rp380 billion
Plants 1
Address B205,B2,92-94,Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street,Ben Nghe Ward,District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
Date of establishment June 1,2016
Paid-in capital US$ 840,000
Directly operated stores 1
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Representative Offices
A Republica de Weimar estió o primer rechimen [[Democracia|democratico]] d'a [[historia d'Alemanya]], encara que mientres a suya existencia bi habió muitas tensions y luitas politicas prevocatas por a [[extrema dreita]], plegando a una situación greu como conseqüencia d'a [[Gran Depresión]]. Quan plegó a o poder [[Adolf Hitler]] o [[30 de chinero]] de [[1933]], no abolió legalment a vichencia d'a Constitución, encara que s'apreboron mesuras que ''de facto'' facioron desapareixer a [[democracia]] en o país, establindo-ie una [[dictadura]] que se conoix con o nombre de ''[[Tercer Reich]]''. Legalment, a Constitución de Weimar no s'abolió dica rematar a [[Segunda Guerra Mundial]].
U.S.Representative Office,Yamazaki Baking Co.,Ltd
Address 335 E 2nd Street Suite 223, Los Angeles, CA 90012-4215, U.S.A
Tel: +1-213-625-0265
Fax: +1-213-625-0267
Paris Representative Office
Address 32 Avenue Mozart 75016 Paris, France
Tel: +33-1-5393-8410
Fax: +33-1-4563-8977
Taipei Representative Office
Address 5F-1, No.148, Song Jiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
Tel: +886-2-2560-5289
Fax: +886-2-2561-3034
Shanghai Representative Office
Address Room316, Shanghai Airport City Terminal Building 1600 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai, China 200040
Tel: +86-21-6249-8996
Fax: +86-21-6249-8277
Jakarta Representative Office Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd.
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Copyright (c) Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd. All right reserved.
=== O nazismo y a Segunda Guerra Mundial ===
{{Articlo principal|Segunda Guerra Mundial}}
Dimpués d'a [[Primera Guerra Mundial]], o resentimiento alemán por as condicions que s'imponioron a o país en o [[Tractato de Versailles]], amás d'a [[crisi economica]] ([[crack de 1929]]) facioron posible que o ''[[Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei]]'' d'[[Adolf Hitler]] plegase ta o poder en [[1933]], proclamando o dito ''[[Tercer Reich]]'', rematando asinas con o periodo [[Democracia|democratico]] que estió a [[Republica de Weimar]] y establindo una [[dictadura]] basata en o [[nazismo]]. Hitler portó o país ta una militarización y una espansión territorial a costa d'os suyos países vecins, anulando parcialment as clausulas d'o Tractato de Versailles, encara que ista politica remató en una guerra ubierta contra as atras nacions. Antiparte, o rechimen politico nazi fació importants [[crimens de guerra]] y [[crimens contra a Humanidat]].
L'[[1 de setiembre]] de [[1939]], a ''[[Wehrmacht]]'' alemana invadió [[Polonia]], prencipiando asinas a [[Segunda Guerra Mundial]], dica [[1945]]. En os primers anyos d'a guerra, Alemanya con os suyos aliatos, as [[Potencias de l'Eixe]], ocuporon [[Europa]] (menos o [[Reino Unito]] y a [[Unión Sovietica]]), pero dende [[1943]] o poderío de l'[[Exercito Royo]] y o poderío [[industria]]l [[Estatos Unitos|estatounitense]] redotoron a o [[nazismo]], rematando con a ocupación d'a [[Capital (politica)|capital]] d'o Reich por as tropas sovieticas en a dita [[batalla de Berlín]] y en a rendición d'o país a os [[Aliatos (Segunda Guerra Mundial)|Aliatos]].
=== Posguerra mundial ===
[[Imachen:Deutschland Besatzungszonen 1945 1946.png|cucha|thumbnail|250px|Zonas d'ocupazión melitar d'os [[Aliatos (Segunda Guerra Mundial)|Aliatos]] en Alemanya en [[1945]]-[[1949]].]]
{{Articlo principal||Alemanya Occidental|Alemanya Oriental}}
En [[1945]], dimpués d'a [[Segunda Guerra Mundial]], Alemanya fue dividita en zonas d'ocupación melitar, ta cada país principal d'os [[Aliatos (Segunda Guerra Mundial)|Aliatos]]: [[Estatos Unitos]], [[Unión Sovietica]], [[Reino Unito]] y [[Francia]].
O [[29 de mayo]] de [[1949]], a [[Zona d'ocupación melitar estatounitense]], a [[Zona d'ocupación melitar britanica]] y a [[Zona d'ocupación melitar francesa]] s'unioron, ta creyar a [[Alemanya Occidental|Republica Federal Alemana]].
The Tojuro Iijima Foundation for Food Science and Technology, jointly established by Yamazaki Baking and Tojuro Iijima, the founder of the company who contributed the majority of the foundation’s basic fund, was established with the approval of Japan's Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries on July 31, 1984, and was registered as a public interest incorporated foundation on April 1, 2013. The Foundation's goal is to help improve food culture, lifestyles, and people’s health in Japan, and to further develop its food products industry. In order to continue advancing the researches regarding production, processing, distribution of food products made from rice, wheat, and other primary food crops, as well as food science, the Foundation gives assistance and recognition through the activities detailed below.
En octubre de [[1949]], a partir d'a [[Zona d'ocupación melitar sovietica]] se creyó a [[Republica Democratica Alemana]], con un sistema de preponderancia politica d'o [[comunismo]].
Since its establishment, the Foundation has steadily advanced the projects which focused on academic research funds in the fields of food science related to rice, wheat, and other primary foods. As of 2016, a total of more than 2,200 projects have been supported and the grants have reached to a total of 3.95 billion yen.
Mientres a [[Guerra Fría]], Alemanya Occidental fació parte d'a [[OTAN]], y a Republica Democratica Alemana, d'o [[Pacto de Varsovia]].
1. Academic research funding
=== A reunificación d'Alemanya ===
2. Support for the international exchange of researchers
O [[9 de noviembre]] de [[1989]], as autoridatz d'a [[Republica Democratica Alemana]] abrioron a o paso d'os suyos ciutadans o [[Muro de Berlín]], y o [[3 d'octubre]] de [[1990]] [[Alemanya Occidental]] absorbió a l'antiga RDA, ta formar l'actual Alemanya, en un proceso politico conducito por o canceller d'a RFA [[Helmut Kohl]].
 (1) Support for sending researchers overseas
 (2) Support for international academic conferences etc.
 (3) Research funding for foreign students
3. The Tojuro Iijima Awards
 (1) Tojuro Iijima Award for Food Science
 (2) Tojuro Iijima Award for Food Technology
4. Support for researches on specified themes
5. Academic lectures
== Organización politico-administrativa ==
{{Articlo principal|Organización politico-administrativa d'Alemanya}}
Alemanya se divide administrativament en 16 [[Estatos d'Alemanya|estatos federals]] ditos '''Bundesländer''' (''Bundesland'' en singular). Os ''bundesländer'' se dividen en 439 [[districto]]s (''Kreise'') y ciudatz (''Kreisfreie Städte''), conformando asinas a estructura administrativa d'o país.
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" width="370" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;"
! Nombre d'o Estato (población) !! Capital (población)
|- align="center"
|[[Hamburgo]], 1.734.830 || [[Hamburgo]], 1.734.830
|- align="center"
|[[Baden-Wurtemberg]], 10.694.215 || [[Stuttgart]], 589.599
|- align="center"
|[[Bavera]], 12.464.997 || [[Múnich]], 1.288.307
|- align="center"
|[[Berlín]], 3.398.362 || [[Berlín]], 3.398.362
|- align="center"
|[[Brandemburgo]], 2.593.040 || [[Potsdam]], 140.000
|- align="center"
|[[Bremen (estato)|Bremen]], 662.000 || [[Bremen]], 545.947
|- align="center"
|[[Hesse]], 6.077.826 || [[Wiesbaden]], 273.978
|- align="center"
|[[Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental]], 1.790.000 || [[Schwerin]], 100.000
|- align="center"
|[[Baixa Saxonia]], 7.998.302 || [[Hannover]], 515.668
|- align="center"
|[[Renania d'o Norte-Westfalia]], 18.075.352 || [[Düsseldorf]], 572.511
|- align="center"
|[[Renania-Palatinato]], 4.059.000 || [[Maganza]], 202.441
|- align="center"
|[[Sarre]], 1.054.580 || [[Sarrebruck]], 179.654
|- align="center"
|[[Saxonia]], 4.283.926 || [[Dresde]], 490.760
|- align="center"
|[[Saxonia-Anhalt]], 2.494.437 || [[Magdeburgo]], 230.000
|- align="center"
|[[Schleswig-Holstein]], 2.828.986 || [[Kiel]], 229.715
|- align="center"
|[[Turinchia]], 2.355.280 || [[Erfurt]], 202.562
== Esporte ==
L'esporte ye una parti important d'a cultura y d'a vita d'os alemans, seguntes a Federación Alemanya d'esportes Olimpicos (DOSB), que tién mas de 27 milions d'asociatos.<ref name="dosb" /> A tercera parte d'a población d'o país face bell esporte en un club o asociación esportiva en as mas de 2.400 que bi ha en as mas de 200.000 instalacions que tién o país.<ref name="dosb">[http://www.dosb.de/de/organisation/organisation/ Daten und Fakten]</ref>
=== Competicions esportivas ===
Bells ciudatz d'Alemanya estioron as seus de bells d'os escaicimientos esportivos mas importants d'o mundo como os [[Chuegos Olimpicos de Berlín 1936]], os de [[Múnich 1972]] y os [[Chuegos Olimpicos d'hibierno de 1936]] en [[Garmisch-Partenkirchen]].
It provides various forms of support contributing to the healthy growth of children in developing countries in accordance to the local needs.
== Veyer tamién ==
* [[Cheografía d'Alemanya]]
The Foundation for International Development/Relief (FIDR) is a "Public Interest Incorporated Foundation" that strives to help create a better future for children and to promote international cooperation by Japanese corporations and Japanese citizens. FIDR carries out aid projects designed to help the people of the developing nations of the world achieve progress and self-sufficiency. It was established in 1990 with basic capital donated by Yamazaki Baking’s founder, Tojuro Iijima. Out a desire to help improve the lives of the people of developing nations, Yamazaki Baking supports FIDR.
FIDR Activities
International assistance projects Carrying out a wide range of assistance projects designed to improve the medical, hygiene, educational, and agricultural circumstances, and income levels in Cambodia, Vietnam and other Asian countries.
Emergency aid Providing emergency relief and reconstruction assistance to natural disasters. From immediately after the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2013, we have extended multifaceted support in response to local necessities of the afflicted regions, mainly around the coast of Iwate prefecture.
Promoting awareness We are committed to dispatching information in a highly transparent manner and creating opportunities for participation, so that we may attain understanding and cooperation from businesses and people in Japan for our support activities in the developing world and disaster-struck areas.
Yamazaki Baking supports the “Yamazaki Love Loaf” fundraising program jointly run by FIDR and World Vision Japan (WVJ). Special donation boxes have been set up in about 5,000 Yamazaki retail outlets. The funds collected to date have been used for assistance activities implemented through WVJ and FIDR in various regions and countries, such as Africa, Mongolia, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and for emergency assistance for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Nepal earthquake and Sumatra Indonesia earthquake.
Yamazaki Baking Company is a principal member of “the supporting organization of the Foundation for International Development and Relief and World Vision Japan” that was established by corporate supporters of the FIDR. Yamazaki has helped to organize and sponsor Charity Concerts. The charitable contributions raised through these concerts have been used, through FIDR and WVJ, to support the developing countries such as Asia and Africa, the reconstruction efforts for the Great East Japan Earthquake and Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake, aids to support the victims of the Great Hanshin Earthquake as well as to support the medical practices being carried out in Afghanistan by a non-profit organization, TODAI.
Company Profile
Yamazaki Group
Environmental Initiatives
Social Contributions
Investor Information
Environmental Initiatives
Environmental Initiatives
Pursuing a range of environmental conservation activities, from efforts to tackle global warming to effective use of food resources.
The operation of facilities and equipment is checked periodically by energy-saving patrols.
The operation of facilities and equipment is checked periodically by energy-saving patrols.
Yamazaki Baking sees its role as contributing to social progress and cultural advancement through the management of its businesses. In its environmental conservation activities as well, the company operates on the basic concept that all of its business activities should take the environment into account.
Yamazaki Baking sets numerical targets based on the voluntary environmental action plan of the Japan Baking Industry Association and is undertaking continuous initiatives to reduce its impact on the environment by introducing cutting-edge technologies and facilities, using energy efficiently, controlling waste emissions, and carrying out recycling. Additionally, as a member of the local community, Yamazaki Baking aggressively participates in local environmental conservation activities.
Yamazaki Baking’s products are created from wheat, eggs, sugar and baker’s yeast, ingredients that represent the bounty of nature. All of them bless the earth’s healthy natural environment for their existence. Yamazaki Baking will continue to take active steps to protect the earth’s environment in order to provide safe and delicious products.
LNG satellite facilities. Yamazaki Baking is promoting a change from heavy fuel oil to less CO2-emitting natural gas (Okayama Plant).
LNG satellite facilities. Yamazaki Baking is promoting a change from heavy fuel oil to less CO2-emitting natural gas (Okayama Plant).
Implementing the latest energy saving facilities
Energy efficient heat pumps for air conditioning facilities
Energy efficient heat pumps for air conditioning facilities In its air conditioning facilities, Yamazaki Baking is installing heat pumps that use the air’s latent heat. The heat pumps achieve three to five times higher energy efficiency than conventional equipment that uses gas or steam. This represents a significant result in energy conservation. Yamazaki Baking has introduced the latest energy saving facilities to reduce its environmental impact in many aspects, including cogeneration systems that deliver improved heat and electric energy efficiency. The company is also committed to using cleaner alternative energy sources, and has introduced solar and wind power generation systems.
Implementing fuel-efficient and low emission vehicles
Every day, Yamazaki Baking’s delivery vehicles take fresh products to its customers. Therefore the distribution is a major part of the company’s environmental efforts. The company is working to introduce fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles such as hybrid vehicles and natural gas vehicles. In addition, the company has introduced a GPS-powerd traffic control system for its delivery vehicles to optimize delivery routes and thereby reduce the number of vehicles and delivery distances. It is also actively promoting environmentally conscious driving.
Hybrid trucks reduce CO2 emissions by about 18% per vehicle compared with conventional trucks.
Hybrid trucks reduce CO2 emissions by about 18% per vehicle compared with conventional trucks.
Effective use of food resources
Yamazaki Baking regards the food byproducts that arise in the process of producing its products as a valuable resource. For example the crusts of bread are not required for some products, but by providing designated conveyor line and storage areas and managing quality appropriately, it is possible to reprocess the crusts as an ingredient in food products such as confectionaries and bread crumbs.
Copyright (c) Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd. All right reserved.
Yamaguchi-gumi VI 六代目山口組 Kobe, Hyogo 1992 Yamaguchi means the surname of the boss and kumi or gumi means group.
稲川会代紋.png Inagawa-kai 稲川会 Minato, Tokyo 1992 Inagawa means the surname of the boss and kai means organization or society. It is a member of the Kantō-Shinboku-kai (Kanto social gathering).
住吉会.png Sumiyoshi-kai 住吉会 Minato, Tokyo 1992 Sumiyoshi means the name of place. It is a member of the Kantō-Shinboku-kai.
Aizukotetsu-kai.png Aizu-Kotetsu-kai VI 六代目会津小鉄会 Kyoto, Kyoto 1992 It was renamed from Aizu-Kotetsu in 1998. Aizu Kotetsu means the nickname of the first boss and Aizu means the name of place.
Kudo-kai.png Kudō-kai V 五代目工藤會 Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 1992 It was renamed from Kudō-rengō-Kusano-ikka in 1999. Kudō means the surname of the boss. It is a member of the Yonsha-kai (Four social gathering).
沖縄旭琉会.png Kyokuryū-kai 旭琉會 Okinawa, Okinawa 1992 It was renamed from Okinawa-Kyokuryū-kai in 2011.
共政会.png Kyōsei-kai V 五代目共政会 Hiroshima, Hiroshima 1992 It is a member of the Gosha-kai (Five social gathering).
合田一家.png Gōda-ikka VII 七代目合田一家 Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 1992 Gōda means the surname of the boss and ikka means family. It is a member of the Gosha-kai.
Kozakura-ikka.png Kozakura-ikka IV 四代目小桜一家 Kagoshima, Kagoshima 1992
Asano-gumi.png Asano-gumi V 五代目浅野組 Kasaoka, Okayama 1992 Asano means the surname of the boss. It is a member of the Gosha-kai.
道仁会.png Dōjin-kai 道仁会 Kurume, Fukuoka 1992 It is a member of the Yonsha-kai.
Shinwa-kai.png Shinwa-kai II 二代目親和会 Takamatsu, Kagawa 1992 It is a member of the Gosha-kai.
双愛会.png Sōai-kai 双愛会 Ichihara, Chiba 1992 It is a member of the Kantō-Shinboku-kai.
Kyodo-kai.png Kyōdō-kai III 三代目俠道会 Onomichi, Hiroshima 1993 It is a member of the Gosha-kai.
太州会.png Taishū-kai 太州会 Tagawa, Fukuoka 1993 Taishū means the nickname of the first boss. It is a member of the Yonsha-kai.
酒梅組.png Sakaume-gumi IX 九代目酒梅組 Osaka, Osaka 1993
極東会.png Kyokutō-kai 極東会 Toshima, Tokyo 1993 Kyokutō means Far East. It is a member of the Kantō-Shinnō-Doushi-kai (Kanto Shennong Association). It is a tekiya group.
東組.png Azuma-gumi II 二代目東組 Osaka, Osaka 1993 Azuma means the surname of the boss.
松葉会.png Matsuba-kai 松葉会 Taito, Tokyo 1994 Matsuba means pine needle, is kamon of the boss of predecessor syndicate Sekine-gumi. It is a member of the Kantō-Shinboku-kai.
福博会.png Fukuhaku-kai III 三代目福博会 Fukuoka, Fukuoka 2000 Fukuhaku means the name of place, Hakata Fukuoka.
Namikawa-kai 浪川会 Omuta, Fukuoka 2008 It was formed from split from Dojin-kai in 2006 and remained active until on June 11, 2013, when the senior members of the Kyushu Seido-kai said that the gang was disbanding to rejoin the Dojin-kai after resolving the problems the dispute had caused. On October 7, 2013 was formed the Namikawa-mutsumi-kai by upper members of the former Kyushu-Seido-kai when they visited a shrine in Kumamoto Prefecture when one member read aloud an oath announcing the formation of the new yakuza group, based in Omuta City, Fukuoka. Namikawa means the surname of the boss.
Yamabishi.svg Kōbe-Yamaguchi-gumi 神戸山口組 Awaji, Hyogo 2016 It was split of Yamaguchi-gumi VI in 2015.
Designated bōryokudan in the past Edit
Name Japanese Name Headquarters Designated in Notes
Ishikawa-ikka 石川一家 Saga 1993 - 1995 Ishikawa means the surname of the boss. It was joined to the Yamaguchi-gumi V in 1995.
Dainippon-Heiwa-kai II 二代目大日本平和会 Hyogo 1994 – 1997 It was successor of Honda-kai. Dainippon means Great Japan and heiwa means peace. It was not designated update.
Kumamoto-rengō Yamano-kai III 熊本連合 三代目山野会 Kumamoto 1998 – 2001 Kumamoto means the name of place and rengo means coalition. Yamano means the surname of the boss. It was destroyed.
Kyokutō-Sakurai-sōke-rengō-kai 極東桜井總家連合会 Shizuoka 1993 – 2005 Sakurai means the surname of the boss, sōke means all family or head family and rengō-kai means federation. It disappeared.
Kokusui-kai 國粹会 Tokyo 1994 – 2005 Kokusui means Japanese nationalism. It was joined to the Yamaguchi-gumi VI.
Nakano-kai 中野会 Osaka 1999 – 2005 It was split from Yamaguchi-gumi in 1997. Nakano means the surname of the boss. It was disbanded in 2005.
Kyokuryū-kai IV 四代目旭琉會 Okinawa 1992 – 2012 It has been merged into Okinawa-Kyokuryū-kai in 2011.
Other notable bōryokudan Edit
Name Japanese name Headquarters Boss Notes
Seishin-kai 清心会 Iwate Ōta Seigo? (太田 清吾) Its core is the Tokyo-Seidai-Hoshi-ikka-Ota III (東京盛代星一家太田三代目).
Genseida-Kōyū-kai 源清田交友会 Ibaraki Shiroo Tanabe (田名辺 城男) Its core is the Genseida-Tanabe III (源清田田名辺三代目). It had once belonged to the Zen-Nihon-Genseida-rengo-kai (全日本源清田連合会).
Matsuba-kai-Sekine-gumi 松葉会関根組 Ibaraki Nariaki Ōtsuka (大塚 成晃) It was split from Matsuba-kai in 2014. Sekine is the surname of the boss.
Chōrakuji-ikka III 三代目長楽寺一家 Tochigi Kazuo Hori (堀 和雄)
Yorii-sōke VII 七代目寄居宗家 Gunma Kiyoshi Kawada? (川田 清史) It withdrew from Kōdō-kai. Yorii is a place name and soke means head family.
Yorii-bunke V 寄居分家五代目 Gunma Hiroshi Godai (五代 博) Bunke means branch family. Member of the Kantō-Shinnō-Doushi-kai.
Kameya-ikka V 五代目亀屋一家 Saitama Akira Shirahata? (白畑 晟) It was split from Takezawa-kai.
Yoshiha-kai VII 七代目吉羽会 Saitama Kiyomasa Nakamura (中村 清正) It was split from Takezawa-kai. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Takezawa-kai 竹澤会 Chiba Haruo Ōtawa (太田和 春雄) Formerly known as Zen-Takezawa-rengō-kai. Takezawa is the surname of the boss. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Asakusa-Sanzun V 五代目浅草三寸 Tokyo Yutaka Fujisaki (藤咲 豊) Asakusa is a place name and sanzun is a kind of tekiya.
Anegasaki-kai 姉ヶ崎会 Tokyo Shigetami Nakanome (中野目 重民) Formerly known as Anegasaki-rengō-kai in 2006. Anegasaki is a place name. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Iijima-kai VIII 八代目飯島会 Tokyo Kanji Nishikawa? (西川 冠士) Formerly known as Zen-Nihon-Iijima-rengō-kai. Iijima is the surname of the boss. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Okaniwa-kai 岡庭会 Tokyo Seiichirō Okaniwa (岡庭 清一郎) Okaniwa is the surname of the boss. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Kawaguchiya-kai 川口家会 Tokyo Kiyoshi Osaka (大坂 清)
Kanda-Takagi VII 神田高木七代目 Tokyo Akira Nagamura (長村 昭) Kanda is a place name and Takagi is the surname of the boss.
Shitaya-Hanajima-kai? 下谷花島会 Tokyo Ōsaka Isamu]]? (大坂 勇) Shitaya is a place name. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Jōshūya-kai 上州家会 Tokyo Katsuhiko Itō]] (伊藤 勝彦) Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Shinmon-rengō-kai 新門連合会 Tokyo Naoaki Kasama (笠間 直明) It has inherited the genealogy of Shinmon Tatsugoro.
Sugitō-kai 杉東会 Tokyo Tomoaki Nohara (野原 朝明) Sugitō means east of Suginami. Formerly known as Sugitō-rengō-kai. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Daigo-kai 醍醐会 Tokyo Hideo Aoyama (青山 秀夫) Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Chōjiya-kai 丁字家会 Tokyo Gorō Yoshida]] (吉田 五郎) Formerly known as Zen-Chōjiya-rengō-kai. Chōjiya means clove merchants. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Tenjin'yama 天神山 Tokyo unknown Split from Kyokutō-kai.
Tōa-kai 東亜会 Tokyo Yoshio Kaneumi (金海 芳雄) Successor to Tōsei-kai]]. Tōa means East Asia. Member of the Kanto-Shinboku-kai.
Hashiya-kai 箸家会 Tokyo Kōtarō Satō (佐藤 幸太郎) Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Hanamata-kai 花又会 Tokyo Akira Kiyono (清野 昭) Formerly known as Hanamata-rengō-kai. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Masuya-kai 桝屋会 Tokyo Sotojirō Higashiura (東浦 外次郎) Formerly known as Zen-Masuya-rengō-kai. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Matsuzakaya-ikka V 五代目松坂屋一家 Tokyo Takichi Nishimura (西村 太吉)
Ryōgokuya-kai 両国家会 Tokyo unknown Formerly known as Zen-Ryōgokuya-rengō-kai. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Ametoku-rengō-kai 飴德連合会 Kanagawa Hideya Nagamochi? (永持 英哉) Ametoku is the nickname of the first boss. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Tokuriki-ikka V 五代目徳力一家 Kanagawa unknown Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Yokohama-Kaneko-kai 横浜金子会 Kanagawa Takashi Terada (寺田 隆) Yokohama is a place name and Kaneko is the surname of the boss. Member of the Kanto-Shinno-Doushi-kai.
Sakurai-sōke 櫻井總家 Shizuoka Hiroyoshi Sano (佐野 宏好) It is successor of Kyutō-Sakurai-sōke-rengō-kai.
Chūkyō-Shinnō-kai 中京神農会 Aichi Eizō Yamagashira? (山頭 栄三) It was split from Dōyū-kai. Chūkyō is a place name and Shinno is Shennong, a mythical sage ruler of prehistoric China.
Marutomi-rengō-kai 丸富連合会 Kyoto Satoshi Kitahashi? (北橋 斉)
Sanshaku-gumi-honke IV 大阪四代目三尺組本家 Osaka Aizō Tanaka (田中 愛造)
Naoshima-Giyū-kai 直嶋義友会 Osaka Tadashi Noda (野田 忠志) Naoshima is the surname of the boss.
Kōbe-Hakurō-kai-sōhonbu V 五代目神戸博労会総本部 Hyogo Shikano Noboru? (鹿野 昇) Kōbe and Hakurō is a place name.
Chūsei-kai 忠成会 Hyogo Tadaaki Ōmori (大森 匡晃)
Matsuura-gumi II 二代目松浦組 Hyogo Kazuo Kasaoka (笠岡 一雄) Matsuura is the surname of the boss.
Konjin-Tsumura-sōhonke II 二代目金神津村總本家 Hiroshima Yoshisuke Tsumura? (津村 義輔) Sōhonke means all family or head family.
Chūgoku-Takagi-kai III 三代目中国高木会 Hiroshima Hideyoshi Daigen? (大源 秀吉) Successor to Kyōsei-kai Murakami-gumi. Chūgoku is a place name and Takagi is the surname of the boss.
Kyūshū-Kashida-kai III 三代目九州樫田会 Fukuoka Takashi Koga? (古賀 孝司) Kyūshū is a place name and Kashida is the surname of the boss.
Tatekawa-kai? III 九州三代目立川会 Fukuoka Toshihiko Ikeura (池浦 敏彦)
Nakanishi-kai 中西会 Fukuoka unknown
Fujiie-kai? 藤家会 Fukuoka Mitsuo Nakao (中尾 光男) Fujiie is the surname of the boss.
Kyūshū-Kumashiro-rengō ? 九州神代連合 Saga Katsuji Noguchi (野口 勝次)
Kyūshū-Ozaki-kai II 二代目九州尾崎会 Nagasaki Kuniyuki Koga (古賀 國行) Ozaki is the surname of the boss.
Kumamoto-kai III 三代目熊本會 Kumamoto Hidenori Morihara (森原 秀徳) Successor to Kumamoto-rengō. Member of the Yonsha-kai.
Sanshin-kai 山心会 Kumamoto Atsushi Inoue (井上 厚) Successor to Kumamoto-rengō Yamano-kai. Formerly known as Sanshin-kai (山心会).
Murakami-gumi III 九州三代目村上組 Oita Yoshishige Matsuoka (松岡 良茂) Murakami is the surname of the boss.
Nishida-kai V 五代目西田会 Miyazaki Kazuo Tanaka (田中 一夫)
Other prominent boryokudan Edit
Name Japanese name Headquarters Notes
Marumo-ikka 丸茂一家 Hokkaido
Seiyū-kai 誠友会 Hokkaido Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi IV in 1985.
Zen-Chojiya-Hachiya-rengo-kai 全丁字家蜂谷連合会 Hokkaido Disbanded in 1988, the remaining organizations have subscribed to Kenryu-kai and Kodo-kai.
Yorii-Sekiho-rengo 寄居関保連合 Hokkaido Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Umeya-Abe-rengo-kai 梅家阿部連合会 Hokkaido Merged with the Kodo-kai.
Kigure-ikka 木暮一家 Hokkaido Merged with the Inagawa-kai.
Aizuya-ikka-Kodaka 会津家一家小高 Hokkaido
Koshijiya-rengo 越路家連合 Hokkaido Merged with the Inagawa-kai.
Kanto-Komatsuya-ikka 関東小松家一家 Hokkaido
Oshu-Umeya-rengo-kai 奥州梅家連合会 Aomori Merged with the Inagawa-kai.
Oshu-Saikaiya-so-rengo-kai 奥州西海家総連合会 Miyagi Merged with the Sumiyoshi-kai.
Tokyo-Seidai-Nishikido-kai 東京盛代錦戸会 Miyagi Merged with the Sumiyoshi-kai.
Tokyo-Seidai-Kawasaki-kai 東京盛代川崎会 Miyagi Merged with the Sumiyoshi-kai.
Nishikata-ikka 西方一家 Miyagi
Anegasaki-Yagami-kai 姉ケ崎八神会 Akita Merged with the Inagawa-kai.
Aizuya-ikka-Nomoto 会津家一家野本 Akita Merged with the Kyokuto-kai.
Oshu-Yamaguchi-rengo 奥州山口連合 Yamagata Merged with the Sumiyoshi-kai.
Oshu-Aizu-Kakusada-ikka 奥州会津角定一家 Fukushima Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Maruto-kai 丸唐会 Fukushima Merged with the Sumiyoshi-kai.
Matsuba-kai-Doushi-kai 松葉会同志会 Ibaraki Disbanded, then joined to the Matsuba-kai.
Shinwa-kai 親和会 Tochigi Merged with the Sumiyoshi-kai.
Kochiya-kai 河内家会 Tochigi Merged with the Kyokuto-kai.
Zennihon-Yorii-rengo-kai 全日本寄居連合会 Gunma Disappeared.
Kanto-Kumaya-rengo 関東熊屋連合 Saitama Merged with Kyokuto-kai.
Zennihon-Genseida-rengo-kai 全日本源清田連合会 Chiba Disappeared.
Kanto-Chojamachi-kai 関東長者町会 Chiba Merged with Sumiyoshi-kai.
Minato-kai 港会 Tokyo Disbanded, then taken over by Sumiyoshi-kai.
Kohei-ikka 幸平一家 Tokyo Merged with the Minato-kai.
Doshida-ikka 圡支田一家 Tokyo
Sekine-gumi 関根組 Tokyo Disbanded, then taken over by Matsuba-kai.
Ando-gumi (Azuma-kogyo) 安東組 (東興業) Tokyo Disbanded.
Tosei-kai 東声会 Tokyo Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi, then disbanded and taken over by Toa-kai.
Koganei-ikka 小金井一家 Tokyo Merged with the Nibiki-kai.
Nibiki-kai 二率会 Tokyo Disbanded.
Hokusei-kai 北星会 Tokyo Disbanded.
Kowa-kai 交和会 Tokyo Successor to the Hokusei-kai. Merged with the Inagawa-kai.
Namai-ikka 生井一家 Tokyo Merged with the Kokusui-kai.
Ochiai-ikka 落合一家 Tokyo Merged with the Kokusui-kai.
Aizuya-rengo-kai 會津家連合会 Tokyo Merged with the Goto-gumi.
Tokyo-Yasuda-kai 東京安田会 Tokyo Merged with the Rachi-gumi.
Kanto-Hayashi-gumi-rengo-kai 関東林組連合会 Tokyo
Kyokuto-Aio-rengo-kai 極東愛桜連合会 Tokyo Disbanded in 1967.
Ishimoto-kai 石元会 Tokyo
Ryogoku-kai 両国会 Tokyo
Kinsei-kai 錦政会 Tokyo
Joman-ikka 上萬一家 Tokyo
Gijin-to 義人党 Kawasaki, Kanagawa Disbanded. The successor organization has joined the Sumiyoshi-kai.
Kanto-Hayashi-gumi-rengo-kai 関東林組連合会
Yokohama-Saikaiya 横浜西海家 Kanagawa Merged with the Kyokuto-kai.
Kawauchi-gumi 川内組 Fukui Merged with the Sugatani-gumi.
Yamanashi-Kyōyū-kai 山梨侠友會 Yamanashi Split from Inagawa-kai in 2011. "Yamanashi" refers the name of place. Disbanded in 2016, joined Inagawa-kai and renamed Sano-gumi.
Shinshu-Saito-ikka 信州斎藤一家 Nagano
Yoshihama-kai 芳浜会 Gifu
Ikeda-ikka 池田一家 Gifu
Shimizu-ikka 清水一家 Shizuoka Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi.
中泉一家 Shizuoka
Reiganjima-Masuya-Hattori-kai 霊岸島桝屋服部会 Shizuoka
Honganji-ikka 本願寺一家 Aichi
Inabaji-ikka 稲葉地一家 Nagoya, Aichi Merged with the Kodo-kai.
Unmeikyodo-kai 運命共同会 Aichi Disbanded.
Hirai-ikka 平井一家 Toyohashi, Aichi Merged with the Unmeikyodo-kai.
Tesshin-kai 鉄心会 Nagoya, Aichi Merged with the Unmeikyodo-kai.
Chukyo-Asano-kai 中京浅野会 Aichi Merged with the Unmeikyodo-kai.
Seto-ikka 瀬戸一家 Seto, Aichi Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Doyu-kai 導友会 Nagoya, Aichi Merged with the Kodo-kai.
Sankichi-ikka 三吉一家 Aichi
Kira-ikka 吉良一家 Aichi
Kusuriya-rengo-kai 薬屋連合会 Aichi
Kumaya-ikka 熊屋一家 Aichi
Nagoya-Chojamachi-ikka 名古屋長者町一家 Aichi
Hiranoya-ikka 平野家一家 Nagoya, Aichi Merged with the Kodo-kai.
Aio-kai 愛桜会 Mie Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Kanbeya-ikka 神戸屋一家 Mie
Shujiro-ikka 周次郎一家
Kamijo-gumi 上條組 Mie
Ise-Kanbe-ikka 伊勢神戸一家 Mie
Ise-Kawashima-ikka 伊勢川島一家 Mie
Tsunan-ikka 津南一家 Mie
Mizutani-ikka 水谷一家 Mie Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Ise-Kamiya-ikka 伊勢紙谷一家 Mie
Nakajima-rengo-kai 中島連合会 Kyoto Merged with the Aizu-Kotetsu-kai.
Sunakogawa-gumi 砂子川組 Osaka Descended of Aizu Kotetsu.
Nakamasa-gumi 中政組 Osaka Descended from of Aizu Kotetsu.
小久一家 Osaka
長政 Osaka
Dankuma-kai 淡熊会 Osaka, Osaka
Yamato-Nara-gumi 倭奈良組 Osaka
Dajokan 大政官 Osaka
I-rengo い聯合 Osaka
Yamaguchi-gumi Yanagawa-gumi 山口組 柳川組 Osaka
Hayano-kai 早野会 Osaka
Oguruma-Makoto-kai 小車誠会 Osaka
Imanishi-gumi 今西組 Osaka Merged with the Sakaume-gumi.
Ono-ikka 大野一家 Osaka
Minami-ikka 南一家 Osaka
Sumida-kai 澄田会 Osaka
Matsuda-gumi (Matsuda-rengo) 松田組 (松田連合) Osaka
Hadani-gumi 波谷組 Osaka Disbanded in 1994.
Komasa-gumi 小政組 Osaka
Doi-gumi 土井組 Osaka
九紋龍組 Osaka
Oshima-gumi 大嶋組 Hyogo
Honda-kai 本多会 Hyogo
Ichiwa-kai 一和会 Hyogo Disbanded.
Suwa-ikka 諏訪一家 Hyogo
Sasaki-gumi 佐々木組 Wakayama
Takenaka-gumi 竹中組 Okayama Withdrew from the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Kinoshita-kai 木下会 Okayama
Takahashi-gumi 高橋組 Onomichi, Hiroshima
Katsuura-kai 勝浦会 Tokushima Disbanded in 1998.
Mori-kai 森会 Tokushima
Matsuyama-rengo-kai 松山連合会 Ehime Merged with the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Kyushu-Kyoyu-rengo-kai 九州侠友連合会 Fukuoka
Seibu-rengo 西武連合 Karatsu, Saga
Kumamoto-rengo 熊本連合 Kumamoto
Kitaoka-kai 北岡会 Kumamoto
Daimon-kai 大門会 Kumamoto