Diferencia entre revisiones de «Nikola Tesla»

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Linia 11:
|ocupazión = [[Fisico]], [[matematico]] y [[incheniero]]
''' Nikola Tesla''' ([[Smiljan]], actual [[Croacia]], allora [[Imperio Austriaco]], [[10 de chulio]] de [[1856]] — [[Nueva York]], [[Estatos Unitos]], [[7 de chinero]] de [[1943]])<ref> {{en}} {{cite book | title=Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla|publisher = Citadel Press| author=Seifer, Marc | year=1998 |pages=1740 | isbn=1-8065-1960-6 | quote=There is something in me which is only perhaps illusory," Tesla began, "[It is] like that which often comes to young, enthusiastic persons, but if I were to be sufficiently fortunate to bring about at least some of my ideas it would be for the benefit of humanity. ... If these hopes become one day a reality, my greatest joy would spring from the fact that this work would be the work of a Serb.}}</ref><ref> {{en}} {{cite book | title=My inventions|publisher = Lits| author=Tesla, Nikola | year=2011 |isbn=9781609421793| quote= At that time I was under the sway of the Serbian national poetry, and therefore full of admiration for the feats of the heroes.}}</ref> . O suyo nombre orichinal en [[Idioma serbocrovata|serbocrovate]] y [[escritura cirilica]] yera '''Никола Тесла''' (yera un [[serbios de Croacia|serbio de Croacia]]).
Estió un [[fisico]], [[matematico]], [[inventor]], y [[Incheniería electrica|incheniero electrico]] [[Crovates|crovate]]-[[Estatos Unitos|estatounitense]]. Naixito d'a [[Croacia]] [[Imperio Austriaco|austriaca]], s'educó en [[Graz]] a on que estudeó incheniería electrica. En l'anyo [[1881]] se tresladó a [[Budapest]] ta treballar en una companyía de telegrafos estatounitense, tresladando-se a [[París]] a l'anyo siguient ta treballar en una d'as companyías d'[[Thomas Alva Edison|Edison]], a on que realizó a suya mayor aportación: a teoría d'a [[corrient alterna]] en [[electricidat]], lo que li premitió ideyar o primer [[motor]] d'inducción en [[1882]].
Linia 17:
Nikola Tesla fue considerato un d'os más prolificos inventors d'o suyo tiempo, dimpués d'[[Thomas Alva Edison|Edison]], conseguindo más de 700 u 800 patents a lo suyo nombre, entre ellas a [[radio]].
== Vinclos externos ==
* [http://www.gospic.hr/info/Mem_centar_Nikola_Tesla.asp#15 Nikola Tesla]